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Quit Smoking
Geoffrey Stidworthy, EAST MELBOURNE, Australia
My apologies. I did not know the items were sent separately. I received the second envelope yesterday. Thank you for your help and support. Have a great day.
Tom, 71, New Mexico
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I prefer herbal products as they are safer. These Indian ones are great. My friends were curious what happened that I lost some weight and look joyful. When I revealed my secret they also decided to use Acai berry.

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Junior doctors talks need time and space - Atkins
The health secretary says renewed negotiations should take place away from deadlines and social media.
Bodies left decomposing in hospitals, reports find
Leeds General Infirmary among NHS hospitals criticised for storing bodies at unsuitable temperatures.
Late education plans mean kids miss out on support in England
Many councils in England are failing to meet legal deadlines to set out the extra help pupils need to access education.
HPV vaccine stops 90% of cervical cancer cases
England began vaccinating teenage girls in 2008 and results show it is paying off.